Hello World! Welcome to Austin Silano's website

Why text-based?

I want to keep this website simple and to the point. This is designed to list my accomplishments, certifications, and projects that I am working on and/or have completed.

About Me

Who am I?

I am an IT Professional, developer, and Network engineer in the making who studies, deploys, and learns about the world of Information Technology everyday.

Why am I in IT?

I chose to be in the world of IT because of my late interest in computers and cybersecurity.

What is my goal?

My goal is to learn, grow, and eventually teach those who are willing to learn and embark on their IT journeries.


I have earned certifications through self-study and guided learning. As part of my education at Western Governor's University, I have obtained the following certifications

I am planning on taking the following certifications:


A big portion of learning in IT is applying your skills to projects that you can build/deploy yourself. I have a homelab that I use to practice my networking, sysadmin, and cybersecurity skills.

What have I deployed?

Publically Accessible Proxmox server:

My hypervisor is deployed on the internet where I can access and work on my practice vms from anywhere I want. Note: This does not use my public IP, so you cannot ddos it in the traditional sense.

Wazuh Server:

This is my Wazuh manager I have deployed as my EDR and SIEM for my devices and VMs.


Python-based project that allows the user to import all usernames and passwords from Google Docs to Bitwarden.

Projects in the Works:
I have the following projects in the making: Contact Me

If you have any questions and would like to email me, please email me at the following:

If you would like to look at my other projects, you can find my Github below:


If you would like to read or use my resume as a template for your own, download is below: